Safe Guarding Team

In Derrylatinee St. Francis’, we recognise that happy children are the best learners and so we always aim to provide a learning environment where children feel safe and secure.
Due to the nature of primary education it will be the responsibility of each class teacher to look after the pastoral needs of the children in his/her class. Class teachers will attempt to resolve the worries of pupils and to relieve their anxieties.
The Principal / class teacher will be grateful for any information about difficult circumstances at home which may be causing distress or anxiety.

Designated Teacher for Child Protection

Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection

Chairperson of the Board of Governors

Governor for Child Protection
Derrylatinee Primary School, 50 Derrylatinee Road, Dungannon, Tyrone, BT70 1PS, Tel: 028 8772 4403